Grateful to Create the Space

Nature has everything we need to heal. .
We are nature. .
I believe our body has the natural ability to heal itself, especially when surrounded by a supportive, purposeful environment + creating the right practices for your unique self.
I’ve been working on @create_the_space_ for a few years, bringing my love for health, mindfulness, spirit, natural medicine, carefully curating spaces, creating powerful experiences & mindful motherhood 🍂.
Every journey brings forth a myriad of lessons that shape all we are. So grateful.
This is @create_the_space_
A blend of what I love, my passion, my gift to you. .
And I’m just grateful to create the space everyday & share the love. .and it’s just the beginning... 


I am back to work after baby ( Lucas is already a growing toddler and getting ready for pre-school - What!?)

And this means more time for my offerings and mama back to the work flow. 

I have been working, but 2020 will be the year of my real come back.

I can't wait.


Here's a little scoop on my upcoming projects!

- First workshop of the year:

Fresh Start

@Yoga Element 

- Teaching NEW Class in Puro Love Space in San Francisco, PTY

These are lovely semi-private classes of small groups (Monthly sign up & Limited space)

Beginners & Beyond

Tuesdays 6:30 - 7:30 om

Mindful Mama
6 week Post Natal Series 

Thursdays 10-11am 

*with option to bring baby 
(only crawlers ;)

In this same beautiful space, 

I will be offering 
Ayurveda Wellness Coaching

Mondays & Fridays 

- Ayurvedic Consultations
- Yoga Therapy 
- Ongoing Follow ups


- Day Retreat
Jan 12



- Full Bloom
May 8-10 
at Istmo Retreat

More info coming soon!


Mama & Baby Day Retreat
with Mariela Salazar

Happy Thanksgiving!

Love you guys,
Sofía .


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