
Showing posts from November, 2019

Grateful to Create the Space

Nature has everything we need to heal. . We are nature. . I believe our body has the natural ability to heal itself, especially when surrounded by a supportive, purposeful environment + creating the right practices for your unique self. . I’ve been working on @create_the_space_ for a few years, bringing my love for health, mindfulness, spirit, natural medicine, carefully curating spaces, creating powerful experiences & mindful motherhood  🍂 . . Every journey brings forth a myriad of lessons that shape all we are. So grateful. This is @create_the_space_ A blend of what I love, my passion, my gift to you. . And I’m just grateful to create the space everyday & share the love. .and it’s just the beginning...  ~ I am back to work after baby ( Lucas is already a growing toddler and getting ready for pre-school - What!?) And this means more time for my offerings and mama back to the work flow.  I have been working, but 2020 will be the year o

Comienza dónde Estés

Y dónde comenzamos? Exactamente dónde estamos.  Nos vamos acercando a el fin del 2019 y es un gran momento para reflexionar y avanzar.  A mis 35 (Casi 36 éste mes), puedo decir que mucho he aprendido, especialmente al convertirme recientemente en Mamá. En ésta ocasión, hablando sobre regresar a nuestra intuición y tomar más decisiones que vienen realmente de un lugar de certeza.  Cuántas metas y deseos no hemos dejado a la espera por miedo, otros, ó simplemente no lanzarnos?  A pesar de seguir mi corazón en la mayoría (like a good Sagittarius)  todavía puedo ver cómo he ignorado mi intuición en varias ocasiones, muchas veces a raíz de satisfacer a otros.  Al final, he descubierto que en vez de castigarme ó culpar, es mucho más productivo verlo desde el punto de vista de una evolución que sólo puede ocurrir a raíz de nuestras experiencias vividas. Tal vez éste es el momento para considerar lanzarnos a el riesgo y lo desconocido y seg

Qué es Yin yoga?

Yin yoga es un estilo de Yoga receptivo, dónde estiramos el tejido conectivo y establecemos un ritmo más lento y consciente.  Las posturas Yin son diferentes a las posturas restaurativas, ya que hay un estiramiento activo dentro de ellas.  Una de los beneficios de ésta practica es mejor manejo de emociones, atención a nuestra respiración y  salud de nuestros órganos.  Muchas veces llegamos a estirar las partes más profundas que a veces no podemos en otros estilos, y es el complemento perfect para una práctica y estilo de vida más activa/o. Este fin de semana pasado, tuve la oportunidad de compartir y dictar una clase de Yin en el Evento de Reebok: All you can Flow. Me encantó la receptividad de los participantes y formar parte de la comunidad de Yoga en Panamá.  Otro aspecto de Yin, es regresar a esa parte de calma y silencio en nuestro ser, qué muchas veces no hace falta; A la vez, logramos estirar las áreas más tensas del cuerpo cómo la espalda baja, cade

What is Yoga Therapy?

Yoga Therapy helps you cope with physical issues, as well as find emotional balance. Stress can affects us to the point of dis-ease, this includes our diet and lifestyle. S ometimes, simply finding tools to go back to our center can help us build resilience  and heal faster. Yoga Therapy is the part of Yoga that emphasizes on honoring every phase of life + possible imbalances that arise through our experience.  Originally and Traditionally, all Yoga was meant to have the strong consideration on each person's need and the therapeutical aspects. Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda go hand in hand, and many times a Yoga Therapy session will include Ayurvedic recommendations and considerations. Ayurveda is the science of Life and Yoga's sister science from India, bringing the aspects of diet and lifestyle + everyday cleansing gifts.  Though Ayurveda, we are able to clarify our nature, therefore move from a more balanced place. Many time

Rejuvenation: Masterclass de Yoga y Ayurveda

Encuentra una forma más intuitiva de cultivar Salud  en tu  vida con éstas prácticas y hermanas ciencias: Yoga y Ayurveda ~ Masterclass  impartida por Instructora de Yoga y Ayurveda Wellness Counselor Sofía Arias Clase de Yoga  para Longevidad ~ Charla de Ayurveda enfocada en  Rasayanas y  Healthy Aging ~ para más info: create_the_space #68923912 Lugar- Yoga Element Día - Nov. 16 10:30am-12pm inversión - $30

Grow a New Habit: Daily Rejuvenation

In our modern culture we are taught to find balance when we hit disease or when our body can't keep up.  We detox radically, which doesn't always stick.  Although it's a beautiful thing to take those powerful detoxes for the mind, body and soul, I'm a strong believer that what we do everyday can make a big difference in our health. Through Ayurveda, we learn to practice daily rituals that keep us resilient through life's daily stresses  + keep our body and senses pretty strong against the aging process. These include: - Lemon water in the morning  - Meditation practice - Herbs  - Breathing practice - Mindfulness in Eating - Using more spices in our meals, cooking, etc. - Self-massage, or Abhyanga  - Staying close to our daily rhythms - Eating the right foods for our specific nature Just to name a few.  So, as food for thought -  Maybe we can do daily practices that keep

In Full Bloom

We often think of a flower in bloom at it's most beautiful. The peak moment of it's lifetime. The truth is that a flower goes through different phases, just like the seasons.  We are made for change and that is beautiful.  Motherhood is no exception.  To be in Full Bloom is to be open to change, growth and  transformation. And to trust that it's an unfolding process. For some reason, we forget what it truly takes to move through this transition. From the self love to the community support to just being in this moment in our life.  Now that I actually get sleep and find myself more balanced, a year + in, I can appreciate a  more tangible perspective on growing stronger through the process. Sleep is helpful, for sure. It's become increasingly important for me to share the importance on self-care through the  process of becoming a Mother; Although it's always been, there's a deeper layer to i